Many additional resources for personal development and teaching others about this vital topic exist across the world. Please suggest additional resources that should be included by emailing
Free Online Courses and Credentials
- GenderPro Credential from George Washington University: free, online credential exam and community that seeks to “contribute to wider visibility, respect, and professionalization of the gender and development field”.
- Increasing Your Gender Responsive Agricultural Development Capacity from the MSU Gender Impacts Lab: free short course that covers the “importance of gender responsive approaches for agricultural productivity; key gender terms; gender mainstreaming framework; and deep dive case studies” before the final exam.
- Innovation and Scaling from Wageningen University and the CGIAR: free 3-hour course (with certificate) that includes a focus on gender-responsible scaling.
Free Teaching Materials
Passages’ Social Norms Training Curriculum by Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health: “explores social norms concepts, program approaches, and the benefits and challenges of engaging in normative change efforts”
Other Free Resources
Gender-focused research can be challenging. This resource from The Brookings Institute provides an overview of three methodological approaches to effectively collect input from girls.
Photo credit: Megan Johnson/USAID